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Astrology 14
  • Astrology 14

    Steven Schmidt. 


    The Bobbs-Merrill Company: 1970. First edition. Hardcover in a jacket. Very good. 


    "That astrology works as well as it does is a fact that will not raise the eyebrows of people who have investigated it and who use it for inspiration and daily guidance. But it works as well as it does because astrologers use the same charts and tables (ephemerides) that are used by astronomers in calculating planetary positions. These data are as accurate as modern astronomical science can make them. Now, with the additional accuracy provided by Astrology 14 - the correct dates for the position of the sun in the zodiacal constellations and the inclusion among them of Cetus and Ophiuchus - who knows what wonders may be performed? 

    Performed, that is, if astrologers will have the courage and the foresight to cast off outmoded 'traditional' data and use this method to forge a science of the stars whose value can be great for people of today who have an eye for tomorrow." 

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